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Showing posts from August, 2021


  NAME : SRINIJA KARNEKANTI ROLL NO : 63 BATCH : 2019 ( 3rd SEMESTER ) AUGUST 2021 —BIMONTHLY BLENDED   ASSESSMENT  ★ QUESTION NO : 1 Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment :  * The link consists of three cases { one long case and two short cases } Long case is about — Polyarthritis leading to Acute Glomerulonephritis - The history of the case is well taken , all the detail mentioned in a chronological order - Analysis of the symptoms and signs is appreciable - Investigations are well dispalyed Short cases are  about - Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease Stage 1 with denovo HTN and the other is about - Iatrogenic Cushings Syndrome  - Both the cases presented well  - Mainly the second case prognosis is well displayed with the help of photographs  ★QUESTION NO : 2  Testing scholorship competency  of the examinees ; ability to read comprehend , analyze , reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered date . Analyze the above linked long and short cases patient data by