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Name : Karnekanti Srinija

Roll no : 63

Batch : 2019(3rd semester)


 Question No -1

*  First question is to go through the 10 answers of people  in following link and Write a summary on the case , tell about their work 

LINK :- (


*  I selected the case Regarding Pulmonalogy
Here is the summary of the case 
This is a case of 55 year old female patient came to OPD with chief complaints of : shortness of breath ; pedal edema and facial puffiness
— The patient is diagnosed with Acute exacerbation of COPD associated with right heart failure and bronchiectasis
— she is a known case of Diabetes
— The SOB is generally observed during the month of January (during which she works in the paddy field )and her first episode Of SOB observed 20 yrs ago
— The systemic examination reveals barrel shaped chest , diffuse apex beat felt at 5 ICS , end inspiratory wheeze +
— At the beginning SOB was treated by nebulizer later there was no relief from SOB through the nebulizer
— All the investigations of the patient were displayed

     The case was well described by all the people 
 * They explained the case through biochemical investigations.
* The treatment was given based on the symptoms
* The final review is each and every point regarding the case is well explained with necessary investigations and the treatment is very well done

Question No -2 

* Sorry for not answering the question , I didn't do any case blog case . I will Definitely include this in my next assessment

Question No -3

* Third question is to choose a case and give a critical appraisal and my opinion on the case 

Case link :

Answer :

* This is the case of a 45 year old male with acute kidney injury on chronic kidney
 disease with uraemic encephalopathy
*The chief complaints include Altered sensorium , history of fever , pedal edema with Anasarca ,SOB at rest , 
* He is a known case of HTN and Chronic Kidney Disease

— shortness of breath is most commonly seen in CKD patients 
— Due to renal failure the most of the toxins are not eliminated , the accumulation of the toxins results in uraemic encephalopathy
— The impaired function of the kidney is the reason behind Anasarca.
— The case is pretty well explained 
— The history taking included all the points— The monitored values of the investigations are displayed
— The given treatment is well entered

Question No -4 

* Fourth question is to choose a case and give critical appraisal and my opinion on the case

Case link :

Answer :

* This is the case of a 60 year old female presented to the OPD with Chief complaints of
           - pedal edema 
            - decreased urine Output
            - fever
* She is a known case of Type 2 diabetes mellitus
* She also diagnosed with Acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis in 2019
* Bilateral pedal edema of pitting type is observed 
* Patient complaints of burning micturition
* Diagnosis - Acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis

— urosepsis starts with urinary tract infections which is the reason for burning Micturition
—  Increased levels of serum creatinine is observed
— Blood urea analysis shows the increased levels of urea levels in the blood
— The blood picture shows the decreased levels of total leukocyte count
— The day to day analysis of serum electrolytes , CBP , blood urea levels , serum creatinine levels are well presented
— The report of the bacterial culture is also included in case presentation 
— The Treatment guidance needed for the patient  is very well depicted on day by day basis
— Totally the case is very  well portrayed.

Question No - 5

* The fifth is Testing scholarship competency in Logging reflective observations on your concrete experiences of this last month 

                     Being the 2019 batch it is very difficult for us to go through the online clinical postings . There are many issues coming across these online postings .Many factors influence this type of learning .  We are very glad for having the professor like Dr.Rakesh Biswas , who made our learning easier . Through the group sir shares a lot of information regarding the patients and filling the absence of being at the hospital . The interns and PG also pass the information making us understandable. The questions asked by the sir make us to think about the different aspects of the case .
               Even though there are difficulties we all are trying our best to come across them.we all are trying to improve ourselves day by day.       
              Finally thank you for the whole department of GENERAL MEDICINE. 

                     Thank You.



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